
Website design & Development

LYNX ERP take care of your Accounts
Payables & Receivables by linking Sales
& Purchase Channels with various Banking
& Credit Institutions !

Manage All Your Ecommerce Website

The customer would be able to add multiple items to their shopping cart. All the sales made via the website will be based on the amount of credit. If the customer's credit limit is above the allocated credit limit, it can still prepare its order but the decision is on management whether to ship or not.


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Open Cart

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Customer registration from the website

Customers can register themselves from the website. Each incoming
registration from the website needs approval from website admin. The
customer with an active account can purchase via the website based upon their price list
(if any), track their orders and also check the inventory and in-transit inventory.

Website promotion

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Sed porta quam sed magna cursus, sed sodales libero efficitur. Nam varius consectetur elementum. Duis iaculis laoreet elit id volutpat. Sed et porta arcu, ac pulvinar turpis. Maecenas nec elit semper, ornare ligula vita. Quisque quis nisi in ipsum luctus tincidunt.

Web Development Services

Suitable Subtitle

Suitable Subtitle


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Loading Speed
Increased Efficiency
Order Automation
Attractive Design
Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.